Rain in Which Season?

Task number one is always creating a memorable name you hope not to grow out of or be embarrassed by years down the line.  In the past, I only cared about the memorable part and payed no attention to the embarrassment I'd face then or years later.  Thus, my Playstation Network ID is forever, Dudeliest_dude.

Moving on to less cringe-worthy titles (I hope), here's why I chose Rain in Which Season?  I find summer rain rejuvenating, winter rain depressing, fall and spring rain a host of emotions that are in-between those poles.  One constant about rain is that many people dispense of the need to move from point A to point B or to do work outside.  On rainy days there tends to be more room for the mind.

Whether it's inspiring, a painful truth, a salve for an open wound or a hopeful lift from melancholy, you can decide which season.  All I aim to do is bring thought provoking, helpful insights that will allow us get closer to our true selves and be part of the cleansing cycle of our world.


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