The Help in Helping!

Today I wrote a rather long response to someone, on facebook who was asking how to deal with anxiety and low vibrations.  This is part of a more "new age" earthy group, so they're more spiritual.  There was advice like using crystals, meditation and the like but ONLY one person mentioned HELPING PEOPLE as a way to feel LESS stress.  This astonished me.  Therefore I went overboard and described my feelings on the matter.  Please read, as it is a feel-good post:

 I want you all to know I've read and appreciated your comments, thank you so much! However, I want to reiterate one topic that was mentioned by Vee Kellz. And that's HELPING people. Last night I was low vibration and when I'm low vibration I have too much anxiety to sleep.

My intuition told me to do something kind for someone. I remember my mom told me this afternoon to sort out her (carelessly misplaced) garbage pale into recyclable, non recyclables and empty them. In addition she wanted me to put out the wrap pales.
I'm sorry to blather on about what's not much more than normal chores BUT when I DID that I felt better. All of a sudden, my mind cleared. I was NEEDED in some small way. I prevented recyclables from being thrown away. I WALKED outside in my pajamas and the night was cold but beautiful. And I stepped out of my own head for a moment to realize that this world is POWERFUL. Much more powerful than any worry that I have.
When you're feeling down, sometimes helping others, giving them the help you wish you had, can help you.
I know what some say about "wounded healers" being not real healers...but if that's true than what should I do? I'm wounded as hell but I STILL want to help people.
Anyway, I've gone on enough. Maybe it aligns with me more than others, but I want to make things better. In this society the worste feeling is NOT KNOWING how I can help, if anything I do matters, if I can really make the impact that I want.
But hey. We all start by taking out the trash, right?
Maybe I'll be stuck doing chores my whole life.
Maybe someday I'll be able to write for a living...
Maybe God has something else in store for me: a new calling.
But God takes us all into account. I'm new to praising Gaia, and not sure where the division of labor is split, but I'm sure she helps and nourishes us along our path. Look for an answer and have an open mind and heart and the path will come to you.


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